In conjunction with the release of the Donut Dollies Documentary, we are asking Donut Dollies who served in the Korean and Vietnam Wars to join us in celebrating Women’s History Month in March (and beyond). We’d like to offer two opportunities for you to share your story. One will be the sharing a photo of a piece of memorabilia from your service for inclusion in our new Memorabilia Mondays project and the other is our Donut Dollie Detail feature.
For Memorabilia Mondays, we’re seeking a photo of a piece of a Donut Dollie’s personal memorabilia and ask her to write a few sentences about the item, details of the years and bases she served on, the origin of the item, what it means to her and any other info she would like to share. ***See below for details on how best to capture the images***
The Donut Dollie Detail project is something we’re honored to have featured nearly 60 in-their-own-words stories by Donut Dollies. You can see previous editions at this link – To take part we would ask you to provide answers to 10 questions (***see below***) along with 4 in-country photos which show important memories of your service, including a headshot, maybe a group photo of you and your Donut Dollie sisters and of programming or spending time with the men. ***See below for details on how best to capture the images***
Both of these projects are important for sharing the story of the Donut Dollies at a time when interest from the public and veterans is growing around the release of our documentary. We believe this will be a wonderful way to share the personal histories of Donut Dollies of both wars and we hope you’ll want to take part in one or both of these projects. If you have questions about anything, please feel free to contact us at We thank you for your service and look forward to sharing a part of your story.
Photography suggestions for Memorabilia Mondays items:
Photos of the item itself will be fine, but to add a little personality or connection to the item, you may like to pose with the item, while also including close-up photo(s). For photographing the item, please place the item on a flat surface (like a table top) and use the flash on your smartphone. Feel free to send us 2 or 3 shots of the item, which will allow us to choose the best images.
Scanning/photography suggestions for the Donut Dollie Detail feature:
The best way to capture these photos is by scanning them at a resolution of 300dpi or higher, but if you don’t have access to a scanner, a smartphone image will be fine. The best way to take the photo is on a tabletop with overhead lighting, while avoiding shadows from the photo or yourself. You may also want to send versions of the photos taken with the flash on your smartphone to allow us to choose between flash and non-flash for the best version.
The Donut Dollie Detail 10-questions list:
What prompted you to join the SRAO (Supplemental Recreation Activities Overseas) program and want to go to Korea/Vietnam?
When and where were you stationed in Korea/Vietnam? Did you go by a nickname? How would you like your name listed in your feature?
What was a routine day like in Korea/Vietnam?
Did you ever have any “close calls” either on base or in any vehicles?
Were you ever injured while in Korea/Vietnam?
What was it like to visit the soldiers in the hospitals?
How was the transition returning home to the United States?
What would you like people to remember and understand most about the women who served?
How do you feel Veterans think of your time having served with them? Have any Veterans expressed their feelings to you directly?
What are your fondest or most interesting memories of your time serving in Korea/Vietnam?

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