1. George Bontya said:

    Welcome Home Susan! Thank you for your Service!

    March 31, 2017
  2. coleman Funk said:

    Very proud of you as my Classmate of 1963 at Manheim Twp. H.S.. I’m sure you cheered up many a lonely forlorn GI. I saw many vets in my medical practice with PTSD and agent orange complications. Could empathize but not like being there.
    Thanks for your service to our Soldiers.

    April 1, 2017
  3. Diane Knotts said:

    You impress me as a friend who “served” in the most difficult time in the 60’s. Now I understand more about your make up as a person.
    Thank you, Susie

    April 1, 2017
    • Gary Thompson, SSgt USAF Vietnam 67-68 said:

      Please tell all the DD’s you meet and interview we want them to stand up with us on Veteran’s Day and any day. They are our sisters and always will be.

      April 1, 2017
  4. Steve said:

    Thanks for your service! Don’t ever get tired of hearing that. It means so much!
    I spent two years there.

    April 1, 2017
  5. Loretta Lankford said:

    Although Susie and I have been friends for over 30 years I had no idea of her commitment and the depth of her involvement in the lives of our soldiers. I am humbled by her story and proud to call her my friend.

    April 2, 2017
  6. Art webster said:

    Amen. To all of you. Susie indeed has always been and is a very special person.
    Art W.

    April 4, 2017
  7. Patty Bright Fortenberry said:

    Hello,, Susie. It’s Patty. What a surprise to see our picture in the jeep. It was special to see the article about you and I enjoyed reading every word of your comments. I’ve been wondering where you’ve been all these years, but had no contact information. We had quite a time in Lai Khe with the Big Red One, right? I’m sorry we lost contact after that. Someday, I hope to hear from you.

    April 5, 2017
  8. Bobbie Trotter said:

    Hi Susie

    Bobbie Trotter here. I served in Qui Nhon and DaNang as well AND I did the Red Cross show up on top of Monkey Mountain, even wrote a story about it. I’d love to chat.

    May 7, 2017
  9. Margaret (Peggy) Norgan Camp said:

    I enjoyed Sue’s comments about her service in SRAO. I served with Susie at Camp Humphries, but had forgotten about her transferring to Vietnam. I still have my “Welcome to Camp Humphries” scrapbook. There are welcome aboard notes in the book from the girls I was joining, including a really cute one from Susie.. it’s really great to catch up on the lives of fellow donut dollies. Maybe I can get my act together and send in a post myself!

    August 26, 2017
  10. John D Reeves (USMC Ret) said:

    Not sure if our paths have crossed in DaNang. I am a Marine grunt who was hurt on 06/10/68 and medevac’d to the hospital on that morning to DaNang. When I woke up after the operation, there was an angel to comfort me. I deeply regret I do not know her name however I am fairly sure she was wearing a Red Cross emblem on her uniform. I will always remember her concern and compassion at that moment. I have moved on but wanted to take this opportunity to thank you, thank you, thank you for what you did.

    August 31, 2018
  11. Gay (Moore) Pedroni said:

    I served with Susie at Camp Humphries. We lived in the same quanset hut. I remember climbing the water tower, our long runs, the chopper flights, the Korean trains, and Modine on the wall! I always loved Susie’s cute haircut. I still have my farewell scrapbook I received when I left for Camp Pelham. How exciting all these years later to find this web site. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to reconnect and remember this special time in our lives.

    April 6, 2019
    • Steve Ervin said:

      Gay…did you go to UCSB?

      October 27, 2019
      • Gay Pedroni said:

        Yes I did Steve..

        November 1, 2019
        • Steve Ervin said:

          Gay…I am going to take a leap of faith here and assume you still remember me. For 50 years I have wondered what happened to you and what adventures in life you have had. You can catch up with me if you want to on Facebook. Most of my “story” is there. I would love to know that you have had a good life and that you have been happy before age catches up to either of us.


          December 20, 2019
        • Stephen Ervin said:

          Sorry I did not get back to you sooner. I have been moving and my computer has been down.

          December 22, 2019
          • Gay (Moore) Pedroni said:

            I do remember you Steve. It was certainly unexpected to see your post on this particular site. Thanks for your good wishes. I have had a good life, and have always wished the same for you. Happy New Year!

            December 28, 2019
            • Steve Ervin said:

              If you wish to keep n touch, my e-mail and messenger connection are on Facebook as well as dozens of photos.. You should be able to access I hope that you know I still care about you and that you are very special to me.

              December 29, 2019

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