1. Ed Wolfe said:

    I was a helicopter pilot for Fireball Aviation of the 199th LIB in 1970. I would pickup and return the Donut Dollies at the Red Carpet heliport in Plantation to take them to the fire support bases in the brigade. I flew Hueys and OH-58 helicopters and I always enjoyed flying the ladies several times a week.

    May 22, 2020
  2. Brooks Reynolds said:

    Great article about my mother! Thank you from the Reynolds family for sharing her story.

    May 23, 2020
  3. Jeff Brammer said:

    I was stationed in Waegon, Korea from June 1965-July 1966. While there, the DDs would come in once a month from Taegue and bring donuts, coffee and a printed newsletter. As I was reading the newsletter, a new DD was walking down the aisle next to me. I stopped her and asked if she had a brother named John? She waited and replied with “doesn’t everyone”? I asked her if she lived at an address in Des Moines, Iowa? She almost fell down.

    That is how I met Jody Ahrold Reynolds. We were about 30 clicks apart. I visited her either 3 or 4 times before she transferred to Nam. I mustered out of the Army and was living back in Iowa.

    Several years later we were reacquainted and were always in touch up until her passing this spring. I actually have met the entire family over the years.
    Jody was always cheerful and enlightening. I could not wait for the next DD visit.

    May 23, 2020
  4. Jan Feye-Stukas said:

    Wonderful interview. I wish I had known her. I was at Cam Ranh in 1968.

    May 25, 2020
  5. Loretta Sieman said:

    So wonderful story about a wonderful lady

    May 25, 2020

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